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Sharpening Chisels

Sharpening Chisels

This seems to be one of those hot topics where everyone has an opinion and a lot of people seem quick to criticise other people’s methods. When I first started sharpening chisels and plane blades it would take me hours and hours… and to be honest it still...
Wood Dust – Kumiko

Wood Dust – Kumiko

As soon as I found out about Wood Dust I knew I wanted to go. The difficulty was it being over in Canberra and that due to the nature of my day job I don’t spend anywhere near enough time with my family as it is. Luckily my wife is also my biggest supporter...
Wooden Mallet

Wooden Mallet

Taking some inspiration from Shop Notes magazine I made a wooden mallet using some offcuts around the garage. This was my first time using a wedged tenon and I was very pleased with how well it secured the mallet head and also how it looks. Also seeing as I have been...